Weight Loss by emma mitchell from the Noun Project Weight Loss Testimonial

Ben (Newcastle)
Lost 4.5 Kgs

Quotation Marks Herbalife was something I tried in my 20s and then 40s with reasonable success. Now in my mid 50s, some of that unwanted weight had crept on back.

Quotation Marks Wanting something to kickstart weight loss by a couple of kilos, I invested in the Herbalife Advanced Programme and leapt into the regimen immediately. I didn't lose just a couple, instead, after just four weeks, I lost 4.5 kilos.

Quotation Marks I'm continuing to manage things, but am grateful to not only the products, but also for Pauline, who messaged, phoned and made suggestions along the way to see me actualise my goal. What a great result to date!*



*These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.