Weight Loss Testimonial
Sue (Brisbane)
(Lost 17kg and 76.5cm)*
Before Herbalife my weight was 79.9 kgs, the heaviest I've ever been, which resulted in low energy, acid reflux and needing to have a sleep in the afternoons. Also, needing to get larger sizes in clothing.
I have used Herbalife before and lost 11 kgs but regained it again due to stress. I then decided I'd had enough with my weight gain and decided to go on the shakes again. They are great because they make me feel full for up to 4-5 hrs.
I stopped having sugar and starchy foods such as cakes, biscuits, chocolate, rice, pasta and sticking to healthy meals and snacks. I also drank up to 2 litres of water a day and regularly went for walks. As a result my energy has returned, I don't need to sleep in the afternoons,
my health has improved and I have lost 17 kgs and 76.5 cms of body fat (25.5 kgs ).
My Herbalife coach Pauline has been amazing throughout my weight loss journey giving me plenty of tips, encouragement and constantly checking on my progress. My weight loss was successful due to being patient, consistent and not giving up. I am very happy!*
(Sue used Formula 1 Shake Mix)